flood Archives - Gamma Risk

WEBINAR: GeoInsurance Ireland 2022

Climate change is bringing new requirements for property-level data and models to better assess changing peril risks and climate impacts. What can insurers do in Ireland to address this challenge?

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WEBINAR: GeoInsurance UK 2022

Insurers and MGAs are engaged on net zero journeys leading the way with positive policies to tackle climate change. One such requirement within ESG reporting is the measurement of risks and impacts that their property books face. This webinar explores some of the challenges and practical approaches taken to track and report on risks and impacts of property class assets.

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WEBINAR: GeoInsurance España 2022

Gamma Location Intelligence ofrecerá un webinar el martes 29 de noviembre para analizar las provincias con mayor riesgo de inundaciones en España.
A pesar de que el calor y la sequía han copado los titulares este verano, grandes regiones de España son vulnerables ante las inundaciones pero ¿cuáles son las provincias con mayor riesgo?

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Expanding Property Risk Platforms to Assess Climate Change Impacts – Resources

Recommended Resources: Published materials relating to ESG, GHG, and the drive to Net-Zero. This “companion blog” provides links to published materials highlighted during the MGAA webinar in which Gamma LI – alongside partners at Sust Global and First Derivative – shine a light on climate change and the regulatory requirements to report on direct and indirect carbon emissions. A potentially onerous task for MGAs and insurers alike that we can help streamline.

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Expanding Property Risk Platforms to Assess Climate Change Impacts – Overview

ESG, GHG, the drive to Net-Zero… the focus on climate change and the regulatory requirements to report on direct and indirect carbon emissions for insurance businesses of all sizes is an onerous task. Gamma LI – alongside partners at Sust Global and First Derivative – participated in an MGAA webinar to shine a light on the topic and provide some guidance. This blog covers some of the key points raised.

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Utilising Location Intelligence to future proof MGAs

Looking for better ways of assessing property risk? Finding that implementing data and software solutions is overwhelming? Then perhaps this brief review is the antidote you are seeking. At the very least, it might prompt you to get in touch and have a conversation. We always like to help. We don’t believe in making things difficult.

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Climate Change & Windstorms: UK and Ireland

Climate change is already affecting our daily lives, but its effects upon the weather will become far more marked in the years to come. Property insurance premiums are affected by the impact that storms and wind speeds have on buildings and the built environment. However, the windstorm evidence and projections for the impact of climate change are not well developed. In this article, together with MetSwift, we explore the observed trend in strong wind events since the 1970s, using a 50 mph wind gust threshold.

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